

Responses are due in my Rhodes email inbox by Monday morning at 8:00 AM CT unless otherwise noted in the syllabus. You are responsible for any glitches in email delivery. If you want to make sure you get your response in on time regardless of technology issues, submit them early and request that I notify you of receipt.

  • Evaluate a class lecture or discussion from the past week (or other time period if noted in syllabus).
    • Summarize one class' worth of lecture and discussion
    • Share questions about the lectures and challenge your professor's assumptions, interpretations and conclusions. 
  • Evaluate readings from the past week (or other time period if noted in syllabus). 
    • Summarize one assignment from the textbook (blue book) and one from the reader (maroon book) assigned during the time period unless otherwise instructed.
    • Share questions about the authors' work and challenge his/her assumptions, interpretations and conclusions.
  • Draw relationships.
    • Explain how lectures and readings relate to one another.
    • Explain how lectures and readings fit in with what we discussed earlier in the course.
    • Explain what lectures and readings say about historical and/or current events.
    • Current events may include those about which you read from assigned pieces in The Economist
  • Format and procedure
    • One page, single-spaced.
    • Please be sure to check grammar, spelling and punctuation.
    • Write in a word processor first and save it.
    • Email the file or the plain text to the professor.


By referring to the rubric below, you can see what types of responses will earn what sort of grade. You may also download a higher quality version.